Adult Programs

Ongoing PRogramming for Adults and Current Programming

Ongoing Library Programming

Tuesday Night Knitting Group

Tuesdays 6 pm – 8 pm

Trustees Room

Join the library's Tuesday Night Knitters for some quality knitting and crocheting time. All skill levels are welcome.

Hello Sunshine Book Club

First Wednesday Evenings of the Month at 6:30 pm

Trustees Room

A book discussion group focusing on selections from Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine book club.

Gatehouse Writer’s Group (Online Writing Group)

Every Friday Online via Zoom from 10 am – Noon

Contact Linda Rowland-Buckley at

Our library writing group, the Gatehouse Writing group, the Gatehouse Writers, is a supportive peer-led environment open to all levels and styles. The group philosophy is a simple one: every person is a writer, and every writer deserves a safe environment in which to experiment, learn and develop their craft. This group is led by Linda Rowland-Buckley and Richard Buckley.

Mahjong at the Library

First and Third Friday’s of the Month from 1 pm – 4 pm

For experienced Players

Spanish Conversation Circle

3rd Saturdays of the Month at 10:30 am

An opportunity for Spanish speakers to practice their language skills.  Participants should have some basic conversational skills to join the group. This is NOT a language class.