Online Resources (Library Databases)
Online Educational Resources for Parents, Students and Teachers
Britannica Library Suite for Children, Young Adults, and General Reference.
Miss Humblebee's Academy is an interactive kindergarten-readiness program that introduces children ages three to six to key concepts in math, science, social studies, language and literacy, art, and music. It’s as challenging as it is fun!
Kids InfoBits introduces elementary school students to database searching with easy-to-use resources featuring age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of educational topics.
Gale In Context: Middle School combines reference content with age-appropriate videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and more for students in middle grades.

All Subjects:
Khan Academy- Kindergarten through 12th Grade
Fact Monster- Grade 1 through Grade 12
Reading (Language Arts)
It's Fun To Read - A Great site with music, poetry, stories, magic and more...
Grammar - Word Central from Merriam Webster - The word-spelling robot hosts the latest amazing word game and challenges spellers of all ages.
FunBrain - Free educational games, online books and comics. More than 100 fun, interactive games that develop skills in math, reading, and literacy.
Guide to Writing a Basic Essay - An essay can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the same no matter what. You may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps necessary to complete a task. Either way, your essay will have the same basic format. If you follow a few simple steps, you will find that the essay almost writes itself. You will be responsible only for supplying ideas, which are the important part of the essay anyway.
Math Maven's Mysteries! - Calling All Math Detectives! Mysteries are popping all over town, and our chief sleuth needs your help to crack each case. Solve "the Cafeteria caper", "The Pilfered Pizza", "Mystery at the Peculiar Zoo", and many more.
Ask Dr. Math- Ask Dr. Math is a question and answer service for math students and their teachers. A searchable archive is available by level and topic, as well as summaries of Frequently Asked Questions.
- for elementary school students
Cells Alive! - Great graphics on this site, including animations of cells. There are some puzzles as well, and just let me warn you - they are addicting.
Chemistry Coach: Full of study guides and mock exams to help get you through your chemistry classes.
Earthquake for Kids - Everything you ever wanted to know about earthquakes, including information about the latest quakes, science fair project ideas, the science of earthquakes, and earthquake ABC's. There are even earthquake pictures, animations, and puzzles & games ... check it out!
Exploratorium- The Science of Baseball - You didn't think there was any science to baseball? Think again! Check your reaction time to see if you could hit a baseball thrown at 95 miles per hour. Other fun stuff including activities and experiments.
Social Studies
Ben's Guide to US Government- For Kids- Come along with the Founding Father Benjamin Franklin to discover the early days of the American Government.