Children's Programs and Services


Questions about children's programs or services? Contact Jenny (


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Regular Programs 

*NEW* Baby Lapsit Storytime

Caregivers with babies, join us on Friday, February 28, at 10am for a baby lapsit storytime! This is for babies who are not yet walking. We will do a short program with songs, rhymes, and a story, and caregivers will have a chance to socialize while babies play with soft durable toys. Baby Lapsit Storytime will be two Fridays a month starting in March 2025 - please check our calendar.


STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math, and every Tuesday afternoon we'll be doing something a little different - like playing Robot Turtles, building and testing penny boats, making and breaking codes, solving puzzles, making origami, painting, and building with Snap Circuits. Meets twice-monthly on Tuesdays from 3:45-4:45pm, for kids ages 5-11.  


Families are invited to join us most Mondays at 6:30pm for a cozy evening story time. Wear your pajamas, bring your favorite stuffed animal, and cuddle up to hear some bedtime stories in the Storytime Room.



Come build with Lego and/or play board games in the storytime room every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00-4:45pm. Play with a friend or family member or meet someone new! Lego creations may be displayed in the library. For kids ages 4-12. Note: There is also a Lego Club at the Gaylord Memorial Library on some Thursdays.

Board Games



Duchess the Yorkshire terrier and Gwen the greyhound are reading therapy dogs from Bright Spot Therapy Dogs. Kids in kindergarten and above can schedule a 15 minute time slot to read to one of them. Duchess will be here the second Tuesday of each month from 6pm to 7pm. Gwen will be here the fourth Wednesday of each month from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Pre-registration is required. Parents or caretakers can sign their children up by either calling the library at 413-538-5045 or stopping into the library. If all time slots are filled, feel free to give your information for future visits.

Duchess the Yorkie





Families are invited to join us every Wednesday morning at 10:30am for a story time with an assortment of picture books followed by an age appropriate craft or other fun activity. While geared for birth to age 5, we welcome older children to participate if desired. Join us in the Storytime Room located in the Children's Room. Weather permitting we’ll be outside on the library lawn. 

Storytime children



Our youngest patrons and their grownups are encouraged to come every Tuesday morning at 10:30am for Rhyme Time.  Participants can sing and dance during this interactive music based program. Children from birth through 5 or 6 will enjoy this fun activity. Rhyme Time takes place on the library lawn, weather permitting, or in the Community Meeting Room.




Every Thursday at 10:30am we host Debbie from the Coordinated Family Community Engagement Program who presents a fun filled program with stories, games, circle time, music & more for children from birth to 5. Older siblings are welcome to attend too.  





Do you love graphic novels? Are you between 8-11 years old? Join our graphic novel book club! We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 3:45-4:45, and we choose the book for the next meeting - so come have your say! In February we're discussing PUZZLED by Pan Cooke. Pick up a copy of the book from the children's desk, or request it through the library catalog or C/W MARS app. Interested? Contact Jenny (

Racc Pack book cover



This is a special book club for kindergarteners and first graders and their grown-ups. We will read a book (or two) together, discuss, and do a related activity or game. On hiatus until summer 2025.

Library of Things



Borrow an American Girl doll from the library! There are 7 dolls, located in the Children’s Room on the desk when you first walk in. If none are available, you may place one on hold. The library will notify you when it is available for you to pick up. The dolls have a 3 week loan period with no renewals. One doll may be checked out per household at a time on an adult’s library card.



STEM to Go Kits!


Do your kids want a hands-on way to learn about science, technology, engineering, & math?  Check out our STEM kits. Kits are available to borrow by adult patrons who have signed the STEM Kit Loan Agreement. One kit per family may be checked out for a period of one week. Interested? Ask the Youth Services staff for more information or to sign up.

Chemistry Adventure


Children in grades K-6 can have a blast conducting experiments at home with an adult. Participants earn stamps after each kit, and prizes after completing 3, 6, and 10 kits, with a special end of year event for those who complete all 10. Kits are located in the children's room and can be checked out on an adult card. The Passport to Chemistry Adventure program was started and is supported by Mount Holyoke College. 

Chemistry Adventure banner



This Coloring Book is made possible by Abigail Vann,

who is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award project.


Bears, Foxes, and Coyotes, Oh My! - Learning to Live with Wildlife Coloring Pages

Girl Scouts logo

The next time you visit the library, pick up a copy of a recipe you can make at home! This month's recipe is for apple crisp, from JUST US by Molly Beth Griffin and Anait Semirdzhyan.