Teen Programming

Always free, always fun!

Register Here for Teen Programs! 

(Click on the Blue Link to Sign Up!)

Miss browsing at the library and need some new books? Fill out this form for a selection: Teen Book Request!

March Teen Programs
Book Tasting
Come and check out this month's brand new YA books! First dibs on checking out the new materials! Open to all!
Monday, 3/3 @ 3:30-5:30
Xbox in the Afternoon

Teens come check out our xbox 1 and play some new games and old favorites! Xbox 1 is played in the Teen Room. No sign up is ever needed. 

Tuesday, 3/4 @ 3:30
Tuesday, 3/18 @ 3:30
Teens come and check out our brand new Switch gaming time! Brand new games to play! Feel free to bring your own for group play! 
Monday, 3/10 @ 3:30
Monday, 3/24 @ 3:30
All supplies will be provided. No sign up needed. Check out the Teen Room door for more information. Snacks are provided. This month's Crafternoon features Egg Carton Dragons.  
Thursday, 3/13 @ 4:00
Teen Spring Craft
Come and celebrate the first day of Spring! We will be making mini bumble bees and felt flowers. All supplies provided.
Thursday, 3/20 @ 4:00
Teen Night Craft
Teens come and check out our new evening craft program! We will be creating Smoosh Painting. All supplies provided. No sign up needed. 
Tuesday, 3/25 @ 6:30
The last Thursday of the month. All supplies are provided. Please sign up. Email or call Bethany or check out the Teen Room door Flyer for more information. Online sign up is available. Features Mug Pasta.
Thursday, 3/27 @ 4:00
Teen Takeaways
Teens enjoy our monthly Teen Takeaways. Sign up once and receive a new Takeaway every month! A craft with all supplies and directions provided, as well as some other goodies in each bag! No monthly meetings or online meetings! Craft on your own time with no pressure or stress! This month's Teen Takeaway features Book Corner Bookmarks.
YA Book Club
Come check out the new YA Book Club, Booktroverts! Books are available to check out in the Teen Room or through the Libby app. No meeting, just enjoy a great book! This month's Booktroverts features Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu.

Reach out!

Bethany Roberts
Teen Program Coordinator  

Teen Volunteer Opportunities
Six weeks during the Summer Reading Program.
Ages 12 on Up

Apply in the Youth Room.

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